Plastic Pollution

The thing about plastic is…

Plastic: The Globe Engulfed In A Plastic Bag

.. it’s far too convenient. From single use coffee cups to food-preserving wraps and medical syringes, plastic is adaptable, functional and profitable, which, incidentally, echoes the foreword on my Tinder profile.

So what’s the problem? Well, I just never seem to get a match… sorry? Oh the plastic! Right…

For all intents and purposes plastic, or at the very least the materials it’s made from, is essentially indestructible. That is to say, it doesn’t biodegrade, rather, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces known as micro and nano-plastics.

The smaller these pieces become, the more easily toxins can bond to them and the more easily it all can pass into the natural world and, potentially, us. 

In fact, it’s thought that nano-plastics are able to cross cell membranes and pass into our cells. While, as yet, there’s no definitive evidence that this can cause harm, it doesn’t take a genius to recognise that it can’t be a positive thing.

Throw in the potential for these tiny plastics to carry toxins in with them and it’s a recipe for super powers… or more likely, disaster.

What About Recycling!?

Plastic: A Plastic Bag Clings To The Branch Of A Tree

Well, while processes like recycling can offer a stall, that’s all they offer, a stall.

The reason for this is that, unfortunately, plastic can only be down-cycled, meaning eventually it’ll be whittled down to a base level product like a plastic bag.

Whatever the form, though, ultimately plastic will always be disposed of in one of three ways: burning, landfill or release into the environment. None of these is good.

Admittedly, then, the issue is vast and even in a post Blue Planet II world, collectively we still produce over 300 million tonnes of the stuff every year, 10 million of which ends up in the ocean alone!

It’s an issue that can feel a little overwhelming but dark truths aside, we can make a difference! “How!?” asked the voice in his head. We change our habits and reduce the amount of plastic we put into the environment.

But Where Does It All Come From?

Plastic: A Factory Chimney Churns Out Thick Clouds of Gas

This is the real kicker. There is only a handful of companies that hold the monopoly on plastic and funnily enough, it’s those whose business is with fossil fuels, more specifically, with oil and gas.

The waste products from the oil and gas industry’s production line provide the materials and chemicals needed to create plastic en masse and exceptionally cheaply. Yes, that’s right, these companies make plastic on the side.

Such is the demand for cheap plastic, in fact, that the exponential profits these conglomerates make have rendered them essentially invulnerable to negative press and the consequences of the environmental destruction they cause.

For not only does plastic pollute in its final form, but the toxic chemicals released during its production cause devastation to boot!

*As a side note, if you’re interested in the bigger picture, then the excellent documentary The Story Of Plastic offers a pretty thorough exploration into the grisly cycle we’re caught up in. Just make sure you’re sitting down and rehabilitating an injured dolphin while you watch because it’s pretty damning. 

So What’s The Answer?

Plastic: A Clenched Fist Crunches A Plastic Bottle

Well, the answer is to cut off the demand and that is where we all come in. If we all act, we can and will enforce positive change. 

So I’m not here to scaremonger (honest), the truth is the truth and we all need to know it. You’ve got to admit you’ve got a problem to take the steps to resolve it.

Let’s see this blog as our first step to fixing the plastic problem. If we all play our part, the fossil fuelled giants responsible will be forced to take notice. 

Not sure where to begin? Why not start with a browse through the “Latest From The Blog” and other links below.

Go one step further and join the Break Free From plastic campaign! It’s a global campaign with a global strategy, making a global difference. Let’s do this!

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